Escobar cigars is organically becoming a global brand, expanding its reach to more countries around the world.

The company, founded by David Gomes, Michael McNaughton, and music icon Nasir "NAS" Jones, started as a small operation in Nicaragua but has now grown to become a worldwide phenomenon. The cigars are known for their high quality, and are made using only the finest tobacco leaves sourced from the best regions in the country.

The secret to the brand's success is its unique and authentic taste. Each cigar is hand-rolled by skilled craftsmen, ensuring that every single one is of the highest quality. The cigars are also aged for several months to enhance the flavor and aroma.

In the last year, Escobar cigars has expanded its distribution to many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Africa, Europe, and most recently Australia. The company is now offered in several key locations, allowing customers to purchase the cigars directly from cigar shops and lounges.

The company is also planning to open a few more outlets in the coming months in countries like the UAE, Singapore, and throughout Asia. Escobar Cigars began as an e-commerce business but now has more and more  brick and mortar shops offering the cigars every day. The goal of our company as an e-commerce brand is to bring more people into the brick and mortar shops as customers in the future. There is nothing quite like the cigar lounge experience and as a company Escobar Cigars wants our customers to become lounge patrons as well. 

In addition to its cigars, Escobar also offers a line of cigar accessories, including humidors, cutters, and lighters. This has helped to increase the brand's reach even further and appeal to a wider range of customers.

Overall, Escobar Cigars is a brand on the rise in the premium cigar world. With its high-quality products, authentic taste, and global expansion, and brand recognition, it's no wonder that the company is quickly becoming a household name in the world of cigars.